Month: March 2022

Feast Day of the Annunciation of Mary – Jabez

What is the Feast Day of Annunciation of Mary?

The Feast of the Annunciation of Mary is held on March 25. This Feast Day is a remembrance from when Mary said “YES” to the Angel Gabriel.

Here is the link to the bible verse if you want to read more about the Feast Day of Mary —> Luke 1:26-38

Here is a little description:

Mary was a girl from the Big city of  Nazareth. Mary was only 12 years old when the Angel Gabriel appeard before her. Mary was told to be the woman that would bear the son of the most high,  Jesus. 

I challenge you to read the prayer of Mary at least 1 time before you sleep, If you don’t know what this prayer is here is a link theat could help. –> Prayer of Mary – Hail Mary

Thank you for reading this edublog about the Feast Day of Mary!